Free Excel 2007, 2010 and Excel 2013Training

Excel 2007 Cheat Sheet


A YouTube Channel called Viewcomputorials has 5 videos onn Excel 2007. They don’t comprise of a complete course but cover a lot of features.

University of Reddit Excel Course

This is a great video course on Excel. It is not complete yet but don’t let that stop you. There is still enough training to make you fully competent using Excel. There is also a downloadable lesson guide and cheat sheet to help you get through the lessons.

One Hour Excel 2013

This is a Youtube channel that has Excel videos covering various Excel 2013 topics. They do offer a certificate of completion but I would highly recommend other courses offered on this page.

Home and Learn Website

This site assumes you are familiar with Excel 2007 and moves you up to Excel 2013. There are no videos but the screen shots walk you through the steps in a very orderly fashion. Sometimes I think the screenshot approach is better because you aren’t continually stopping and starting a video. Excel training

This website has training in Excel 2007, 2010, and 2013. It looks like the videos are free and you just pay $9.99 for a digital workbook and extra exercises. I think you can learn a lot by just watching the videos but the annual fee is so small I would go ahead and pay for the additional materials.

Connectcode Excel Training

This is a text based course on Excel that is very generic. It is not based on a specific version but covers all of the basics.

Free Excel 2013 Training and Practice tests

This website has now videos but the step by step instructions are great and they have graphics whenever needed. The best thing about this course is the tests they have to show how well you are remembering the skills being taught. I highly recommend going through these exercises.